40 Jensen Road, Wadalba, NSW

46 Lot Subdivision (Nominated Integrated & Integrated)
Planning Authority
Central Coast Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , 10 days ago. It was received by them earlier.
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Central Coast Council. Add your own comment.

Hello, I am a long time resident living In Braithwaite Rd Tacoma (40 years). I am extremely concerned about the rezoning of this land parcel and the potential effects it can/ will have on our properties in heavy rainfall events.
Can you please contact me ASAP or refer me to the appropriate engineers who are looking after the flood/storm water plan for this new development .

Kind regards

Bradley Browning

Bradley Browning
Delivered to Central Coast Council

I would like to be made aware of what infrastructure solution your engineers have in store to combat the already ongoing problem of flooding causing property damage to most in the area as the there hasn't been a solution yet. I believe that allowing this to go ahead would further if not make worse the situation we have had in recent years of flooding. It is worrying as insurance companies are quite strict on flood prone land and this will only get worse.
What will council do to help with the flood issues, the already damaged roads causing risk to anyone driving along, the lack of much needed services in the area. We don't even have a birthing unit in Wyong hospital anymore. The forever growing population that seems too have nothing too support it. Wait times in ED, drs appointments, transportation problems the list is endless. I would like a documented response on how you pose to fix all these issues.

Jean Hayden
Delivered to Central Coast Council

Hi, the 46 lot subdivision is an unconscionable development. It would be built on sloping land containing hard structures like concrete, roofs, roads without infiltration but funnelling water down hill at velocity even in low consistent rainfalls, or during short intense rainfall events to inundate hundreds of homes. And then where does it go? As the lake is higher than sea level, add king tides, or even significant water input from all other upper areas. It is blocked. Opening The Entrance channel isn’t going to help and it rarely does. The frequency and intensity of rain events is increasing, as is regular flooding which I’ve observed over 35 years that I’ve lived here. 40 Jensen isn’t suitable for any hard structures deflecting rainfall. The development fringes huge soaks, evident by floodplain vegetation. The water table isn’t that far from the surface even in higher areas as one doesn’t need to dig far to see it. Black mould in homes is the common problem through the community now. The water tables will be higher and stay longer than ever for longer periods, then stagnation increases mozzie activity and therefore health risks. The lake is higher than sea level and therefore water is unable to disperse evenly or quickly, this already happens now! What infrastructure is going to help the community from flooding, absolutely nothing. Council can’t put in infrastructure to help dissipate the water. That would have already if it was a solution. Already our community pays hefty insurances, if they can. Council has mapped these low lying areas as sea level rise locations but until then hundreds of houses will be consistently inundated when it rains. This development will not improve our community of Tacoma, Tuggerawong, Wyongah, Wyong or Rocky Point. Plus there’s a potential to land lock those who live on Tacoma south for longer periods than ever before. I wonder why these planning ideas come about, we’ll just plonk it here because some private land owner is selling acres…and we’ve rezoned it. This isn’t about NIMBY, it’s about the flooding that already happens. This type of development and any others of this magnitude isn’t suitable here. That’s common sense from a community of non planning people with gained expertise of living here. Planners shouldn't take advantage of community that may think that local, state and federal gov can fix the flooding situation either.

Delivered to Central Coast Council

I live along Tuggerawong Road and over the past 4 years have been affected by flooding on numerous occasions. I have now been notified by my insurer that they will no longer cover flooding. The cost of insurance cover, with the few insurance companies that will cover me is close to a third of my yearly income. As I have only had water surrounding my house and not in it, this is a risk I have decided I need to take. The building of this development is likely to increase the water level in a flood and put not only mine but so many more properties at flood risk. The water level comes up from not only the lake but the swamp along Jensens road. The last flood we were more effected by the storm water run off to the west than the lake to the East. Due to the location on Jensens Rd this development is likely to can cause flooding issues for numerous suburbs along the lake and river. It’s time council stopped repeating their mistakes and consider both the environmental impact and the residents.

Vanessa Pagett
Delivered to Central Coast Council

As a resident of lower Tacoma by the river I am concerned about the likely impact of disrupting what little natural land drainage this land provides by development. There is already large amount of water that impacts the lower lying properties when it rains and development will further increase the flow of water.
The current drains into the lake from the properties are damaged (collapsed) and council advise they do not have funds to repair. For development to occur there needs to be significant repair and major consideration to developing drainage into a lake system that is already overwhelmed. With the current information provided I oppose this development

Belinda Hodges
Delivered to Central Coast Council

Good morning
I live on Tuggerawong Road and have seen the flooding to areas surrounding Jensen and Tuggerawong Roads on numerous occasions. The building of this development is likely to increase the water level in a flood and put not only mine but so many more properties at flood risk. The water level comes up from not only the lake but the swamp along Jensens road. The last flood we were more affected by the storm water run off to the west than the lake to the East. Due to the location on Jensen Rd this development is likely to and will, cause flooding issues for numerous suburbs along the lake and river. It’s time council stopped repeating their mistakes and consider both the environmental impact and the residents.
Thank you.

Tricia Schuhmacher
Delivered to Central Coast Council

I strongly object to the proposed subdivision of this semi-rural lot into residential lots. This development raises serious concerns regarding its environmental and infrastructural impacts.
Firstly, the location of this proposed subdivision, sloping towards fragile lake ecosystems, presents a significant risk of exacerbating flooding and environmental degradation. The surrounding ecosystems, already vulnerable, stand to be severely impacted by increased stormwater runoff, particularly given the area's proximity to Tuggerah Lake. The development could further strain the delicate balance of the lake’s ecosystems, especially during high lake levels, king tides, and periods of intense rainfall.
The infrastructure in this area is already inadequate to support a substantial increase in population. The two-lane roads, railway crossings, and intersections without traffic signals create significant congestion, particularly during peak traffic times and weekends when the area sees additional pressure from sport events. The introduction of new residences will exacerbate these traffic bottlenecks, leading to potential safety hazards and increased travel times for residents and visitors alike.
Wyong hospital is already understaffed and underfunded
What impact will there be to already appallingly long wait times in the emergency department and the rest of the Wyong hospital system (for example, obstetrics is no longer offered at Wyong hospital).
The proposed development threatens the environmental integrity of the area and will place considerable strain on already overstretched infrastructure. It is essential that any development in this region considers the long-term sustainability of both the environment and the community. I wish to see a report investigating each of these concerns and the concerns of other community members.

Laura Fiene
Delivered to Central Coast Council

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