All recent comments on applications from Burwood Council, NSW

Unit 1106C 1-17 Elsie Street Burwood NSW 2134
The proposal seeks consent for the fitout and use of the tenancy at Suite 2.01 for the purpose of a recreation facility (indoor)

The description does not clarify any possible change of property use or what impact it has on the surrounding units? Is the recreational facility for commercial use (possibly implied by the term "use of tenancy")? Does the "recreation" involves amplified sound or bright lights? etc. Consent should only be given when proper understanding is established with the neighbours.

R Tang
Delivered to Burwood Council
2A Appian Way Burwood NSW 2134
DwellingPools / decks / fencingDemolitionAlterations and additions to Alterations and additions to an existing dwelling ?Verona? and subdivision of the site to create two (2) x residential allotments. Proposed Lot 1 will contain the existing dwelling 'Verona', and the works will include a pool & basment parking. Proposed Lot 2 - The existing laundry/garage building will be renovated with a new 2 storey addition and converted to a dwelling. Also associated stormwater and landscaping works including removal of selected vegetation.

Subdivision in Appain Way!! The most beautiful and historic area in Burwood should be retained and protected, not subdivided and developed. Please retain this special street without concrete box additions and underground parking, irrevocably changing the face of Appian Way.

Local worried about inappropriate over development
Delivered to Burwood Council
18 Boundary Street Croydon NSW 2132
Demolition of existing buildings and construction of multi storey building

This building will be much larger than all the surrounding buildings and will cause a significant increase in local traffic parking surrounding PLC and Croydon Public Schools. This building should be reduced in size to the same as the surrounding.

Jane Lowery
Delivered to Burwood Council
9 Wonga Street Strathfield NSW 2135
Demolition of existing structures on site and construction of a double Demolition of the existing dwelling and the construction of a two storey dwelling with basement and single garage, covered alfresco patio area to the rear of the dwelling.

A historic house, one of the oldest in the street, should not be knocked down to create another concrete monster with no tree canopy planned, contributing to the urban heat island in strathfield.

Delivered to Burwood Council
27-33 Everton Road Strathfield NSW 2135
Pub Section 4.55(2) Modification Application under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 to modify an existing consent No. 83/2022 and modify Conditions 1, 2 and 10 of the DA.2022.83 to permit all areas except the Garden Bar to trade until 4am, remove the trial period for extended hours of operation and update the Plan of Management.

Anthea Feilen the Strathfield Hotel has existed almost as long as Strathfield train station. You willingly choose to live near a pub, Australian laws do allow for pubs to make noise and these days the establishment doesn’t even have live music bands like it once use to do. No where in Strathfield is quite anymore, pub or no pub the area has become busier than Pitt Street 24/7 and even in the suburb’s back streets loud people walk around on phones, in groups etc that’s just a part of Sydney life these days. If one wants a quiet suburb then maybe move to locations like Hunters Hill or Avalon Beach where there isn’t the convenience of schools, university’s, public transport, and of course constant noise.

Delivered to Burwood Council
27-33 Everton Road Strathfield NSW 2135
Pub Section 4.55(2) Modification Application under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 to modify an existing consent No. 83/2022 and modify Conditions 1, 2 and 10 of the DA.2022.83 to permit all areas except the Garden Bar to trade until 4am, remove the trial period for extended hours of operation and update the Plan of Management.

Strathfield Hotel does not provide parking and patrons park on the Everton RD and surrounding streets. I am often disturbed late at night by loud "merry" people piling into cars, joking, shouting and slamming car doors. They seem oblivious that people are trying to sleep.
When the Hotel previously temporarily extended its hours (I believe this was during the Olympics) residents were provided with the mobile number of the Hotel Security Guard in case patron problems occurred, Maybe this is a possibility.

Anthea Feilen
Delivered to Burwood Council
27 Boyle Street Croydon Park NSW 2133
Demolition of existing structures, removal of street tree and proposed Demolition of existing structures, removal of street tree and proposed construction of a two storey house with basement, cabana and swimming poo

This is a dreadful plan - not only do they want to remove a healthy street tree, they will be clearing all the trees, shrubs and green on the property and replacing it with yet another ugly fortress. Will there be any green space on the property?
The building will over-shadow the house next door as other buildings like this do.
There doesn't seem to be any consideration for neighbours any more.

A Neighbour
Delivered to Burwood Council
72 Liverpool Road Burwood Heights NSW 2136
Demolition & Subdivision of land Demolition of ancillary structures and subdivision of site into two torrens titled lots.

As this is already part of the Burwood Council Appian Way Conservation Area, which includes, and I quote, 70-78 Liverpool Road, demolition must not take place and this row of architectural heritage along should be listed with the state government as well.

A Neighbour
Delivered to Burwood Council
47A Wentworth Road Strathfield NSW 2135
Demolition of existing building Dwelling - Demolition

No name because this DA is made by a strong world wide health organisation.

The Independant Valuation Report by Abbotts Valuers (told by friends) should be included in the documents uploaded for this application or at least provided to the Panel to ensure a transparent decision being made for the residents who have lived in these homes for over a century.
A "low Confidence" value by Corelogic (seen on Council Website - ) that excludes many factors is a throw away to influence the panel that residents are asking too much but in fact are asking market value.
The Panel should consider the earlier valuations because this is when discussions were actually made, influencing these residents who have avoided taking other actions/ making decisions (eg sell) due to these ongoing discussions. Missing other opportunities.

Consideration should include whether any action/s have been made by a significant enterprise to result in isolation, making offers to one and not the other or different amounts is a deliberate act to buy the other property at a devalued price due to the development occurring, thus impacting true future sales of these homes.

Councils are responsible to care for their local residents, their families and children and determine if the overall picture of large enterprises are just using strength.
Thank you for this opportunity & no donation made by us.

Neighbourhood friends
Delivered to Burwood Council
72 Liverpool Road Burwood Heights NSW 2136
Demolition & Subdivision of land Demolition of ancillary structures and subdivision of site into two torrens titled lots.

I wholeheartedly agree that demolition of this property should not be permitted unless and until a comprehensive investigation is carried out to determine whether or not the house and property meets the criteria for heritage listing. On the face of it, a preliminary assessment should be carried out, and if appropriate at the very least an interim heritage order made pending further comprehensive investigation. Burwood cannot afford to lose historical and heritage houses to new development.

Patrick Saidi
Delivered to Burwood Council
72 Liverpool Road Burwood Heights NSW 2136
Demolition & Subdivision of land Demolition of ancillary structures and subdivision of site into two torrens titled lots.

Agree that this property is worthy of a council investigation to establish whether it is eligible for heritage listing - its design is representitive and a fine example of the period. The internal timberwork and design are rare examples of the workmanship of the period and need to be preserved. As the property is located on Liverpool Rd which was one of the first major arterial roads that linked the west, there may be historial significance and association with notable Burwood pioneers, along with potentially being part of Faith's subdivision in 1810. The DA should not be approved until the investigation is completed - the process would be similar to the one conducted on 11 Seale St, Burwood where the new owners planned to demolish the house and neighbours requested an investigation which found that the house met 5 of the 7 criteria for heritage listing. Most heritage houses in Burwood will only meet 2 or 3. It confirmed that the house had a considerable heritage significance to Burwood and its development history. Had this not occurred it would have been lost which I believe is the fear and concern for this property. I urge all those that read the posts to write to the council regarding the preservation of this property

Michael Leszczynski
Delivered to Burwood Council
72 Liverpool Road Burwood Heights NSW 2136
Demolition & Subdivision of land Demolition of ancillary structures and subdivision of site into two torrens titled lots.

Demolition of this house is wrong and Burwood Council should NOT approve. We are losing our history and heritage - this is what makes our area special.

I urge Burwood Council to not approve this DA. This house should be heritage listed instead and I will be writing to relevant State department to start the process.

Catherine Regina
Delivered to Burwood Council
72 Liverpool Road Burwood Heights NSW 2136
Demolition & Subdivision of land Demolition of ancillary structures and subdivision of site into two torrens titled lots.

Council would be mad to approve this, but we've seen worse from them. Removing a historic house to construct something that likely won't meet future NCC or minimum rental standards is short sighted and sad.

Jane Citizen
Delivered to Burwood Council
19 Willee Street Strathfield NSW 2135
To demolish this existing dwelling with all associated structures and construct a new two storey dwelling house with a detached secondary dwelling (granny flat)

Another inappropriate development. Erasing history for a multi dwelling property with no greenspace.

Jane Citizen
Delivered to Burwood Council
6 Wonga Street Strathfield NSW 2135
Demolition of all existing ancillary structures and the construction a two (2) storey dwelling house with a basement level, an in-ground swimming pool and associated landscaping works

The third in the Burwood Council area - minimal green space, maximum building coverage and large carbon footprint.

A local
Delivered to Burwood Council
6 Wonga Street Strathfield NSW 2135
Demolition of all existing ancillary structures and the construction a two (2) storey dwelling house with a basement level, an in-ground swimming pool and associated landscaping works

Another inappropriate development. Sad to see the history erased from Strathfield.

anonymous neighbour
Delivered to Burwood Council
42-50 Railway Parade Burwood NSW 2134
Mixed use development

I completely agree with Daniel's comments.Burwood also has the lowest ratio of green space to resident in NSW. It needs more open green space and no more high rise development.

Geraldine Norris
Delivered to Burwood Council
42-50 Railway Parade Burwood NSW 2134
Mixed use development

Burwood has more than enough high rise apartments which has caused heavy traffic on the local roads, congested footpaths, lack of sunlight, stress, ugliness and social problems. Burwood has accommodated more than enough people. The people do not want any more development.

Delivered to Burwood Council
2 Gordon Street Burwood NSW 2134
Residence - conversion of the heritage listed dwelling at 6 Rowley St from a boarding house to a five bedroom residence with at-grade parking. Boarding house - demolition of 2 Gordon Street and other outbuildings. Retention of the heritage-listed building at 4 Gordon Street (with demolition of newer rear additions) and construction of five new two-storey buildings to be used as boarding house for 58 units with associated basement parking.

This is an opportunity for Burwood Council to ensure that there is genuine social housing - not ‘affordable’ housing that only someone with a job can afford but accommodation that meets the needs of those living on the margin. It’s not the change in style of dwelling and additional units but whose needs are being met by the development: broad community needs must be addressed and not just the developer’s.

Jacqueline Marks
Delivered to Burwood Council
14A Grosvenor Street Croydon NSW 2132
Demolition of existing building Dwelling - Demolition and Boarding Hou Demolition of existing building Dwelling - Demolition Boarding House

There is little to no available parking in Grosvenor Street of an evening as it stands at the moment and this will make it even harder for residents to park in Grosvenor and Webb Street

Russ Arnold
Delivered to Burwood Council
14A Grosvenor Street Croydon NSW 2132
Demolition of existing building Dwelling - Demolition and Boarding Hou Demolition of existing building Dwelling - Demolition Boarding House

I am wanting to submit my concerns about the building being proposed for 14A Grosvenor St, Croydon. I have serious concerns about the parking in the street following the significant development that has been underway in the past few years. The street is now full of apartments with not enough parking. There is becoming less and less street parking available and this is already creating tension in my street. Many of the residents living in the street are now parking in the neighbouring streets impacting the broader area. This is also a challenge with the station and schools close by and not nearly enough car parks for people living in the area.

It is a really small and narrow block and has no planned outdoor space for the tenants, which I think is concerning for people living there and in the surrounding areas.

I am already finding it difficult to walk up to the station on the footpath with my new born baby in a pram as there are often bins filling the street and on the footpaths knocked over. Meaning we have to walk on the road which is extremely dangerous with a pram.

I do really hope that council rejects this application as there are already too many apartments blocks in the street and not enough parking for the local residents.

Catherine Gearing
Delivered to Burwood Council
14A Grosvenor Street Croydon NSW 2132
Demolition of existing building Dwelling - Demolition and Boarding Hou Demolition of existing building Dwelling - Demolition Boarding House

I am wanting to submit my concerns about the building being proposed for 14A Grosvenor St, Croydon. I have serious concerns about the parking in the street following the significant development that has been underway in the past few years. The street is now full of apartments with not enough parking. There is becoming less and less street parking available and this is already creating tension in my street. Many of the residents living in the street are now parking in the neighbouring streets impacting the broader area. This is also a challenge with the station and schools close by and not nearly enough car parks for people living in the area.

It is a really small and narrow block and has no planned outdoor space for the tenants, which I think is concerning for people living there and in the surrounding areas.

I am already finding it difficult to walk up to the station on the footpath with my new born baby in a pram as there are often bins filling the street and on the footpaths knocked over. Meaning we have to walk on the road which is extremely dangerous with a pram.

I do really hope that council rejects this application as there are already too many apartments blocks in the street and not enough parking for the local residents.

Catherine Gearing
Delivered to Burwood Council
42-50 Railway Parade Burwood NSW 2134
Mixed use development

Burwood is crowded enough! How many parking spaces are included in this development for over 1000 apartments? Streets in Strathfield and Croydon are already full of cars from residents of highrise already built in burwood and surrounds. I’ve lived in the Burwood area for 43 years and have seen the destruction of a once lovely suburb to an overcrowded, overdeveloped ugly commercial centre. So much for quality of life and heritage.

P Taylor
Delivered to Burwood Council
42-50 Railway Parade Burwood NSW 2134
Mixed use development

I consider a development as proposed over the top and a complete over development of the area. The increase in traffic caused by such a monstrosity will cause Burwood to be jammed with cars where it will reduce Burwood to a jammed, overdeveloped and out of keeping as a residential suburb. It will be the final straw in braking the camals back and cause residents who have known burwood as a lovely village to leave due to how it has become.

Dennis Spagarino
Delivered to Burwood Council
42-50 Railway Parade Burwood NSW 2134
Mixed use development

I consider a development as proposed over the top and a complete over development of the area. The increase in traffic caused by such a monstrosity will cause Burwood to be jammed with cars where it will reduce Burwood to a jammed, overdeveloped and out of keeping as a residential suburb. It will be the final straw in braking the camals back and cause residents who have known burwood as a lovely village to leave due to how it has become.

Dennis Spagarino
Delivered to Burwood Council